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News & Events

The Constitutional & Rule of Law Series

The Constitutional & Rule of Law Series (CRLS)

The Federal Constitution delineates federal and state powers. This division of powers between the Federal and State governments can sometimes lead to conflict, particularly when both Federal and State governments seek to legislate on the same subject matter. Join us for the third session of the CRLS on 9 May 2024 (Thursday) at 4.30pm where the panellists will discuss “Federal and State Powers – Consonance or Conflict?”. For further details and to register, please refer to the attached flyer.

The Constitutional & Rule of Law Series (CRLS)

For the Second Session of the CRLS, we will be looking into the Role of the Judiciary in the Federal Constitution.

The judiciary lies at the heart of a democracy to preserve democratic values, enforce the rule of law and protect fundamental liberties. What role does our judiciary play in the Federal Constitution? Join us on 31 January 2024 (Wednesday) at 4.30pm for a thought-provoking dialogue exploring the intricate landscape of the Malaysian judicial system, its historical context, evolution and the interplay between the judiciary, the executive and the legislature. Please refer to the attached flyer for further details and to register.

The Constitutional & Rule of Law Series (CRLS)

We are delighted to announce the launch of the Constitutional & Rule of Law Series (CRLS) proudly organised by Chooi & Company and University of Malaya, which aims to enhance constitutional literacy among members of the public.

This is the third in the series of a collaboration between University of Malaya and Chooi & Company to create awareness of the important role of the Federal Constitution. The first and second in the series were a lecture and conversation series. The series, which is open to the public, is meant to be informative and thought provoking with former Judges, academics and lawyers as panellists.

Join us for the inaugural session in this series on the Supremacy of the Constitution on 7 December 2023, details of which are in the above flyer.


Restructuring and Insolvency: A Commentary

Our partner, Jimmy Ng Chwe Hwa has co-edited the book entitled Restructuring and Insolvency: A Commentary, published by Sweet & Maxwell in April 2023.

The book provides instructive section-by-section commentary on the provisions of the Companies Act 2016 (“CA 2016”) which cover the restructuring and insolvency of companies. The extensive legal commentary is supported by reference to case law and legislation both local and foreign. Signposts to related provisions assist the use to appreciate the overall working of inter-related provisions within the CA 2016. A special segment Practical Guidance present valuable materials and best practices derived from the wide experience of the expert contributors.