March 2019
by admin
A. SIAC Academy Kuala Lumpur and SIAC Kuala Lumpur Conference 2019
CCA was a proud sponsor of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) Academy 2019 which took place on 30 – 31 March 2019 at the Faculty of Law, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. The theme of this Academy was “Time and Cost Savers at SIAC: Emergency Arbitration, Expedited Procedure and Early Dismissal”.
The SIAC Academy is an initiative by the SIAC to provide practical, hands-on training for up-and-coming arbitration practitioners, experienced arbitration practitioners as well as arbitrators over the course of two days. The SIAC Academy has been held in Singapore, Seoul, Tokyo, Mumbai and Beijing, and CCA is honoured to have been part of the Malaysia edition.
Aside from being a sponsor, our partner, Lim Tuck Sun, also joined the teaching faculty and sat as a panelist for the Expedited Procedure segment, as well as moderated the topic “The A to Z of Persuasive Written and Oral Advocacy”, and our senior associate, Ariel On, was part of the facilitators of the practical sessions on conducting hearings before an arbitral tribunal.
The event was well received by the participants, and some very positive feedback includes “Excellent initiative”, and “Overall, it has been a very informative, useful and practical Academy.”
At the end of day one, the participants, trainers and organisers of SIAC Academy gathered at our Loke Mansion office for a networking session. https://www.timeout.com/kuala-lumpur/things-to-do/the-white-house-the-story-of-loke-mansion
The other initiative by SIAC which the firm also partook in was the SIAC Kuala Lumpur Conference 2019 held in conjunction with the Academy. Themed “Damages in International Arbitration: Contemporary Principles and Practices”, our partner, Janet Chai, was part of the panelist presentation and discussion on “Assessment of Damages in Construction Disputes”.
A copy of the SIAC Academy Kuala Lumpur 2019 event flyer can be viewed here.
A copy of the SIAC Kuala Lumpur Conference 2019 event description can be viewed here.
This material is for general information only and is not intended to provide legal advice. If you have any queries regarding the above, please feel free to contact us at insights@chooi.com.my.